I've had the joy of working with children, adolescents and their parents for 23 years. During that time, I've taught a range of students and had an enriching experience as a school counselor. It has been a great journey learning about so many individuals and helping them with different aspects of their lives as they grow!
I've worked in a private practice setting for 8 years and am extremely passionate about what I do. I believe there is always hope for all my clients and I love to help individuals from all kinds of different backgrounds make progress.
I've been married for 20 years to a husband who I adore! In my free time, you can find me running and enjoying the weather, loving on my sweet dog Pennie, golfing and traveling.

Texas Christian University, Master of Education in Counseling, 2009
Texas Christian University, PhD in Counseling and Counselor Education
2010 TCU Dr. Viktor Frankl Counseling Award
The National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children (TLC) Level 1 Clinical-Practitioner
2019 DFW Child Mom-Approved Therapist by DFW Child Magazine
Threats to Internal Validity for Within Subject Design, TCU Education Research and Pedagogy Festival, Fort Worth, TX, April 2013.
In Search of Resiliency, TCU Education Research and Pedagogy Festival, Fort Worth, TX, April 2014.
Developing a Resiliency Toolbox Through The Use of Narrative Therapy, TCU Education Research and Pedagogy Festival, Fort Worth, TX, April 2015.
Building Resiliency and Self Care in School Counselors using SFBT Supervisory Techniques, SACES National Conference, New Orleans, Oct 2016.
The Road to Mindfulness, TCA Conference, Arlington, TX, February 2017.
QPR Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Instructor Certification Program.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) 4-Day Intensive Certificate, June 2018.
I also consult with various school districts across the DFW metroplex on current adolescent issues to help provide up-to-date guidance.
If you're interested in having me as a speaker for your school, organization, or team, please give me a call or fill out the contact form at the bottom of the web page for more info.